On Saturday, April 6 at 6pm, Kleztronica: After Party at the Azazel will return at The Sultan Room in Brooklyn. More info here

Klezmer on Ol' Broadway featuring Andy Statman, Dan Blacksberg, and Pete Rushefsky on Sunday, April 7 at 7:30pm at Old Broadway Synagogue

Tuesday, April 9 at 8pm, New York Klezmer Series will host a Tanzhoyz (Dance Party!) at Hudson Yards Synagogue with musicians Jordan Hirsch, Christina Crowder, Margot Leverett & Aaron Alexander and dance leader Steve Weintraub. More info here

On Monday, April 8 at 6pm at Hunter College, there will be a musical performance by Gordon Lockwood titled Once Upon A Time The Fire Burned Brighter... and Other Yiddish Songs. More info here

Also on Monday, April 8 at 7pm, there will be a Queer Yiddishist Shmueskrayz on Zoom, hosted by Rad Yiddish and Queer Yiddish Camp. More info here

On Wednesday, April 10 at 7pm, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research will host a lecture about The Bern Trial and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. More info here

The Brooklyn Fiddle Summit will be on Thursday, April 11 at 8pm at Littlefield in Brooklyn, curated by Jeremiah Lockwood and featuring ZoĆ« Aqua and The Ebony Hillbillies. More info here

On Monday, April 15 at 7:30pm, the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research will host a film screening of String Trio, Los Angeles 1946, a documentary about Arnold Schoenberg. Tickets are free but registration is required. More info here

On Thursday, April 18 at 7pm, also at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, there will be a performance of Miryeml, with a new English translation of Tea Arciszewska's modernist play, which is considered a powerful memorial to the million children murdered in the Holocaust. This nearly-forgotten modernist masterpiece is now available in English translation for the first time. More info here